virtual gallery of sculptures of Alessio Mazzarulli

clay, plaster, wax and paper-pulp like a traditional materials; resins and plastics like a materials of the new generation...


production 1998
production 1999
production 2000/01
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october '98

Alessio Mazzarulli.  He was born in 1974 it has always had the passion for the carved and modeled art, passion that increases in a forced period of immobility in which they have begun to take to shape ideas. From then finally it realizes studies that for years are remained single in its thoughts: now they are matter.

The passage to the use of the clay as material predominant he was short;  today such material allows Mazzarulli to obtain works is definitive that point of departure for evolutions and combinations of techniques that carry, to uses of other materials classics like the bronze, the chalk and the cartapesta.

Mazzarulli is pushing towards the experimentation of materials of the new generation like plastic and resins.  These materials must be adequately considered from the art.

He attends the laboratory of master sculptor Andrea Vigilante with which has undertaken an artistic collaboration.

From frequenter he is soon passed to teach in modeller and ceramics courses.

We must consider also the collaboration like scultore, molder and printer with the “Carnevale d’Abruzzo”  paraded of allegorical wagons that are carried out annually to Francavilla (Ch).

The prepared exposures are found in the following places:

-    Torre Ciarrapico di Francavilla to the sea in the December 1998, exposure cured from the critic of art Brigida  Di Leo, professor teaching of history of the art of the “Facolta di language and foreign literatures to the Universita G. D’Annunzio of Pescara”;

-    Collective exposure to the Tourist Port “Marina of Pescara”  ended in september 1999.

-    Collective exposure “the artists of Francavilla and surrounedings”;  museum Francesco Paolo Michetti di Francavilla (Ch), April-May 2000;

-    Itinerary collective exposure “Artisti abruzzesi contemporanei”;  started from University “Gabriele d’Annunzio” of Pescara in April 2000, with greater stages near artistic and tourists center of Abruzzo;  stages are previewed also outside Abruzzo and outside nation (France and Egypt);

-    Collective exposure in the within of the manifestation "Itinerari d'arte" near the Museum Francesco Paolo Michetti di Francavilla, june 2000.